
Brad Yung

Brad Yung is best known for writing and drawing the alternative comic strip Stay as you are. He has also been an engineering student, a screenwriter, a toy store clerk, a zinester, a computer programmer, a merchandiser, an actor, a data collection associate, and now an author. He is proud of roughly half of those. He currently resides in Victoria, BC.

Visit Brad’s website and read his film script for Party at Billy's (PDF).

“Ideally, Lessons and Stay would be companions in your libraries, wherever they may be stacked, especially if you grew up between 1980 and the present – assuming you are still growing up and now with children. These two books from one of our best drawers of comics and hewers of irony are to be highly recommended for these times. Trying to raise a family in this now hellish Trumpian universe demands nerves of irony. Good luck with that!”
Columbia Journal

The Complete

Stay as you are.

Lessons I’m Going To Teach My Kids Too Late


James Anderson O’Neal


Gary R. Bush